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Nagaon Medical College Recruitment 2025 – 4 Scientist, Technician & Other Posts

Nagaon Medical College.
Last Date: 21 Days.

Nagaon Medical College & Hospital, Nagaon has invited application for the recruitment of 4 Scientist B, Research Assistant and Laboratory Technician posts for purely temporary and contractual engagement at Medical College Level Viral Research and Diagnostic Laboratory (DHR sponsored) at Nagaon Medical College & Hospital, Nagaon, Assam. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.

Nagaon Medical College Recruitment 2025

1. Scientist B (Medical)

No of posts: 01 post

Remuneration: Rs. 56,000.00 + HRA only per month.

Essential Qualification: MD/DNB Microbiology from MCI recognized Medical college/institute OR MBBS/B.V.Sc from MCI/VCI recognized Medical college/institute with 2 years research experience.

Desirable: Experience in ICMR/DHR/IDSP/CSIR/DBT/any other project/Medical college. Experience in Virology Laboratory is preferred. Knowledge management. of computer application/data management.

Age Limit: 35 years as on 01.12.2024.

2. Scientist B (Non-Medical)

No of posts: 01 post

Remuneration: Rs. 56,000.00 + HRA only per month.

Essential Qualification: M.Sc (Medical Microbiology/Virology/Microbiology/Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Life Sciences) from recognized university.

Desirable: Ph.D.(Medical Microbiology/Virology/Microbiology/Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Life Sciences) shall be counted as two years research experience. Experience in ICMR/DHR/IDSP/CSIR/DBT/any other project/Medical college. Experience in Virology Laboratory is preferred. Knowledge of computer application/data management.

Age Limit: 35 years as on 01.12.2024.

3. Research Assistant

No of posts: 01 post

Remuneration: Rs. 35,000.00 only per month.

Essential Qualification: M.Sc(Medical Microbiology/Virology/Microbiology/Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Life Sciences) from recognized university.

Desirable: Experience in ICMR/DHR/IDSP/CSIR/DBT/any other project/Medical college. Knowledge of computer application/data management.

Age Limit: 35 years as on 01.12.2024.

4. Laboratory Technician

No of posts: 01 post

Remuneration: Rs. 20,000.00 + HRA only per month.

Essential Qualification: B.Sc.(MLT) from recognized university (Registered) OR Diploma MLT from recognized university (registered) with 3 years lab experience.

Desirable: The candidate having experience in Govt. institutions in ICMR/DHR/IDSP/CSIR/DBT/any other project/Medical college with at least 2 years work experience in Virology Laboratory. Knowledge of computer application/data management.

Age Limit: 30 years as on 01.12.2024.

Note: Upper age limit as per Govt. rules and regulations Age relaxation(upto 5 years) will be given in case of candidates having at least 2 years work experience in Government Hospital/institute/organization.

How to Apply for Nagaon Medical College Recruitment ?

a) The Candidates have to submit the application form through speed post/registered post or self submit to the office of the "Principal-cum-Chief Superintendent, Nagaon Medical College & Hospital, Nagaon, Assam 782003" with superscription as “Application for VRDL contractual post” within a period of 21 days from the date of appearance of the advertisement in newspaper (DOP: AT, 22/12/2024).

b) The candidates needs to mention Phone number along with alternative contact number and e-mail ID in the said format.

c) Two recent self-signed passport sized coloured photographs are to be attached on the first page of the Performa format.

d) One set of self-attested Photostat copies of ID proof, Address proof and certificates must be attached with the application form.

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