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Moran College Recruitment – 7 Assistant Professor, Library Assistant & Grade IV Posts

Moran College.
Last Date: 15 Days.

Moran College has invited application for the recruitment of 7 Assistant Professor, Library Assistant and Grade IV Posts in different subjects. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.

Moran College Recruitment

Moran College Recruitment 2024

1. Assistant Professor

No of post: 05 posts

Subject-wise vacancy:
  • Botany: 02 posts, [UR, Roster Point 16; OBC/ MOBC, Roster Point 28]
  • Chemistry: 02 posts [UR, Roster Point 20; OBC/ MOBC, Roster Point 26]
  • Physics: 01 post [OBC/ MOBC, Roster Point 17]
Educational Qualification: The educational qualification and selection procedure will be as per Govt. Office Memorandum No. AHE.239/2021/68, dated: 24/01/2022 with the NET/SLET/SET as mandatory eligibility conditions. Candidates having Ph.D. Degree in accordance with UGC (minimum standards and procedures for award of Ph.D. Degree) regulation, 2009 shall be exempted from the requirement of minimum eligibility condition NET/SLET/SET. The candidates must have minimum 55% marks (or an equivalent grade point scale) at the master’s degree level in the concerned subject. Candidates with M.Sc. in Biotechnology need not apply for the post of Botany. A relaxation of 5% marks may be provided at graduates and Masters level for the SC/ST/Differently abled categories for the purpose of eligibility. The candidate has acquire qualification as on the last date of submitting applications. Eligibility like M.Phil./Ph.D./Seminar Papers/Publications can be acquired and submitted on date of interview and not beyond.

2. Library Assistant

No of posts: 01 [UR, Roster Point 11]

Educational Qualification: Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce from a recognized University with a Diploma or Certificate Course of Computer operation of minimum three months duration. The Candidate should have the working knowledge in Assamese and English typing in MS word and Simple Excel.

3. Grade IV

No of posts: 01 [UR, Roster Point 7]

Educational Qualification: Class VIII Passed.

Other Criteria of Moran College Recruitment

Age Limit: The age of the candidates should not exceed 38 years as on 01/01/2024 with relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC/MOBC and 10 years for PWD candidates and 2 years for Ex-Servicemen as per Govt. Guidelines No ΑΒΡ.6/2016/51 dated 02.09.2020.

PRC: The candidates must have Permanent Residential Certificate and must know local languages. Candidates in service must apply through proper channel with NOC obtained from concerned authority.

Application Fee

Assistant Professor: Demand Draft of Rs. 1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred) only
Library Assistant: Demand Draft of Rs. 500.00 (Rupees Five Hundred) only
Grade-IV: Demand Draft of Rs. 500.00 (Rupees Five Hundred) only

Demand draft must be drawn in favour of Principal & Secretary, Moran College, Moranhat Payable at State Bank of India, Moran Branch, (IFSC: SBIN0007368).

How to Apply for Moran College Recruitment ?

Application in the format prescribed by the DHE Assam along with complete Bio-Data including Email ID and Contact no. (WhatsApp) and all relevant self-attested documents from HSLC onwards, accompanied with non-refundable Application Fee, must reach the following address within 15 days from the date of publication  of this advertisement.
Principal & Secretary,
Moran College
P.O. Moranhat,

Important Web-Links of Moran College Vacancy

Application FormClick Here
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Official WebsiteClick Here
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