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KV Lakhimpur Recruitment 2024 – 26 Teaching/ Non-Teaching Vacancy

Name of PostsTeaching/ Non-Teaching Vacancy
RecruitmentKV Lakhimpur Recruitment 2024
Number of Vacancies26
Exam DateTo be notified
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Interview19th February 2024
Official Website

KV Lakhimpur Recruitment 2024: Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Lakhimpur has recently invited an employment notification regarding the recruitment of 26 Teaching and Non-Teaching Vacancy on Contractual Basis for the session 2024-2025. Eligible and interested candidates may apply here for KV Lakhimpur Recruitment 2024.

KV Lakhimpur Recruitment 2024

KV Lakhimpur Recruitment 2024 Full Details

I) Name of Post: Post Graduate Teacher (PGT)

Subject Wise Vaccancy: English, Hindi, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, History, Economics, Commerce, Pol. Science

II) Name of Post: Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)

Subject Wise Vaccancy: English, Hindi, Maths, Science, S.St., Sanskrit, Assamese

III) Name of Post: PRTs, Balvatika Teacher , Computer Instructor, Games Coach, Yoga Coach, Music & Dance Coach, Doctor, Nurse, Academic Counselor, Special Educator

Eligibility Criteria of KV Lakhimpur Recruitment 2024

I) Post Graduate Teacher (PGT)

Two years integrated Post Graduate M.Sc. Course of Regional Institute of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject;

Master’s Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the following subjects:

1. PGT (English) English

2. PGT (Hindi) Hindi or Sanskrit with Hindi as one of the subjects at Graduate level

3. PGT (Chemistry) Chemistry/ Bio. Chemistry

4. PGT (Economics) Economics/ Applied Economics/ Business Economics

5. PGT (Commerce) Master’s degree in Commerce. However, holder of Degree of
M.Com in Applied/ Business Economics shall not be eligible.

6. PGT (Math.) Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics

7. PGT (Biology) Botany/ Zoology / Life Sciences/ Bio Sciences/ Genetics/ Micro
Biology/ Bio-Technology/ Molecular Biology/ Plant Physiology provided they have studied Botany and Zoology at Graduation level

8. PGT (History) History

9. PGT (Political Science) Political Science

II) Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)

i) Four Years Integrated Degree Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate;

Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subject/ combination of
subject and in aggregate. The elective subjects and languages in the combination of subjects as under:

1. TGT (English) English as a subject in all the three years.

2. TGT (Hindi) Hindi as a subject in all the three years.

3. TGT (S. St.) Any two of the following:-
History, Geography, Economics and Pol. Science of which one must be either History or Geography

4. TGT (Science) Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.

5. TGT (Sanskrit) Sanskrit as a subject in all the three years.

6. TGT (Maths) Bachelor Degree in Maths with any two of the following
subjects: – Physics/ Chemistry/ Electronics/ Computer Science/ Statistics

7. TGT (Assamese) Assamese as a subject in all the three years.



1) Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent;

2) Pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) conducted by the CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose.

3) The candidate should posses two years Diploma in Education (D.Ed.)

Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) and

4)Competence to teach through Hindi and English medium

IV) Balvatika Teacher:


1) Secondary class (Class X or its equivalent) from a recognized Board along with ECCE trained, minimum 18 years of age and should have induction training in pre-school Education.

Any person possessing skill training / adequate training as prescribed by NIPCCD, NSDC or any other institution recognized by the. central Government/ appropriate Government/ Recognized University /Board.

2) Competence to teach through Hindi and English medium.

V) Computer Instructor:


1) BE/ B. Tech (Computer science)/ BCA/ MCA/ M.Sc. (Computer Science) Or

2) M.Sc. (Electronics with Computer Science component)/ M.Sc. (IT)/B.Sc. (Computer Science)

Bachelor’s/ Master degree in any Science subject/ Mathematics from recognized university with Postgraduate Diploma in Computer application from government recognized University/ Institute.

Post-graduate degree in any subject with Postgraduate Diploma in Computer
application from government recognized University/ ‘O’ level from DOEACC.

Post-graduate degree in any subject with minimum ‘A’ level from DOEACC.

VI) Games Coach:


1) Diploma from NIS/B.P.Ed/M.P.Ed. (with not less than 50% marks or equivalent) from a recognized university and authenticate certificate in a specialized field.

2) Competence to teach through English and Hindi medium.

Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications.

VII) Yoga Coach:


1) Graduation in any subject or equivalent from a recognized university with one year training in Yoga from a recognized institution.

Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications.

VIII) Counsellor:


1) B.A. / B. Sc. (Psychology) with One Year Certificate of Diploma in Counselling.


(i) Minimum of one year Experience in providing career Education
counseling to students at school

Working knowledge and experience in placement Bureaus.

Registration with rehabilitation council of India as vocational counselor.

(ii) Knowledge of Computer Applications.

IX) Doctor:

Essential: MBBS and registered with MCI.

X) Nurse:


1) Diploma/Degree (with at least 50% marks or equivalent) in Nursing with valid registration with Nursing Council of India. (Registration must be valid as on date).

2) BLS (Basic Life Support) course at least once in two years

Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications.

XI) Special Educator:

1) 12th passed and two year D.Ed. Special Education in any of the category of disability.

2) XIIth passed and one year Diploma in Special Education (DSE) in any of the category of disability.

3) Diploma in Community Based Rehabilitation (DCBR) with 6 months Certification course in Education of Children with Special Needs.

4) Post Graduate Diploma in Community Based Rehabilitation (PGDCBR) with 6 months certificate Course in Education of Children with Special Needs.

5) Diploma in Multi Rehabilitation Worker (MRW) with 6 months Certificate course in Education of Children with Special Needs.

6) Junior Diploma in Teaching the Deaf.

7) Primary level Teacher Training course in Visual Impairment.

8) Diploma in Vocational Rehabilitation- Mental Retardation (DVR-MR) /Diploma in Vocational Training and Employment – Mental Retardation (DVTE-MR) with 6 months Certificate in Education of Children with Special Needs.

9) Diploma in Dearing Language and Speech (DHLS)with 6 months Certificate course in Education of Children with Special Needs.

10) XII passed with any RCI recognized qualification of minimum one year duration and 6 months Certificate course in Education of Children with Special Needs.

11) Any other equivalent qualification approved by RCI

Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications.

XII) Dance Coach:

1) Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50 % marks in Music & Dance or equivalent from a recognized University.

Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications.

How to Apply for KV Lakhimpur Recruitment 2024?

Candidates must apply in the Common Application Form devised by the PM SHRI K. V. NORTH LAKHIMPUR for this recruitment process and available with the advertisement inviting applications or may be downloaded from the Vidyalaya web site with U.R.L.

Documents  to Attached with Application form for KV Lakhimpur Recruitment 2024:

Two copies of recent photograph (size 35 x 45 mm) facing camera, out of which one duly self attested and one without attestation should be affixed with the application form.

Attested photocopies of all the educational qualifications, academic and professional, mark- sheets for all the years, degree/ diploma certificates starting from Senior Secondary/ Intermediate to highest academic/ professional qualification the candidate possesses, all certificates in claim of CCA, achievements/ distinction in Sports, Literary activities, Scouts & Guides, NCC, NSS etc.,

class X certificate for proof of date of birth, experience

The Walkin-interview will be held on 19th February 2024 in PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya North Lakhimpur Assam. Registration time is from 8 AM to 12 PM

Important Links of KV Lakhimpur Recruitment 2024

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Application formClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here
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