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20 Specialist, Planner Posts Out | GMDA Guwahati Recruitment 2023

The Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority is responsible for the planning and implementing various development actives in the metropolitan area of Guwahati, Assam. The department thus recruits eligible candidates for various posts. This article provides you with details of the latest vacancies in GMDA Guwahati. Also check the eligibility, selection process, exam pattern, salary, and other relevant details here.

Name of Posts Specialist & Planner Posts
RecruitmentGMDA Guwahati Recruitment 2023
Number of Vacancies20
Exam DateTo be notified
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Last Date to Apply28/11/2023

Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) has invited application for the recruitment of 20 Specialist, Mid-level Planner and Junior Level Planner posts in the Assam Urban Knowledge Hub under Department of Housing & Urban Affairs, Assam. Intending and eligible candidates may apply online here.  
GMDA Guwahati Recruitment 2023

Important Dates of GMDA Recruitment 2023

Staring date of online application: 10th November 2023
Last date of online application: 28th November 2023

GMDA Guwahati Recruitment 2023

1. Specialist

No of posts: 05 posts

Remuneration: Min. salary 1,00,000/- per month and negotiable based on work experience

Educational Qualification:
  1. Hydrogeologist: Masters in Hydrogeology
  2. Transport/ Mobility Planner with graduation in Engineering: M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (Transport/Infra structure/Mobility)
  3. Planner with graduation in Architecture: M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (any specialisation).
  4. Planner with graduation in Engineering: M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (any specialisation)
  5. Environmental Planner: M. Plan / M. Tech in Environmental Planning
Experience: 8 years and above; Experience in at least 2 projects as team manager/team lead/senior member is desirable.

Age Limit: Candidate should not be more than 55 years.

2. Mid-level Planner

No of posts: 05 posts

Remuneration: Min. salary 75,000/- per month and negotiable based on work experience.

Educational Qualification:
  1. M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (Transport/ Mobility/ Infrastructure)
  2. M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (any specialisation) with graduation in Engineering
  3. M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (any specialisation) with graduation/post grad in Sociology/Geography
  4. M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (any specialisation) with graduation/post grad in Economics
  5. M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (any specialisation) with graduation/post grad in Architecture
Experience: Above 6 years. Having done urban planning projects with institutions/agencies with national presence, state level urban planning agencies, national/multi-national consultancies.

Age Limit: Candidate should not be more than 55 years.

3. Junior-level Planner

No of posts: 10 posts

Remuneration: Min. salary 45,000/- per month and negotiable based on work experience.

Educational Qualification:
  1. M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (Urban/Regional/City/Town/Housing)
  2. M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (any specialisation) with graduation/post-graduation in Economics
  3. M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (any specialisation) with graduation/post-graduation in Sociology/Geography
  4. M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (Transport/Infrastructure/Mobility)
  5. M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (any specialisation) with graduation/post-graduation in Engineering
  6. M. Plan / M. Tech in Planning (any specialisation) with graduation/post-graduation in Architecture
Experience: 0-6 years. Should have clear concepts of physical planning, Assam Unified Bye-laws 2022 Assam Urban policies, Assam T&CP Act, GMDA Act, clarity in the concepts of ToD, TDR, TPS, LAP, Land pooling, etc. They must have excellent skills with MS office, especially PPT/Excel/Word. Additionally, the knowledge of GIS and or drawing software shall be an advantage.

Age Limit: Candidate should not be more than 45 years.

How to Apply for GMDA Guwahati Recruitment ?

Interested and eligible candidates may apply online for these vacancy by visiting official GMDA Recruitment Portal. Candidates may follow below mentioned steps to apply online.

a) Scroll down, go to Important Web-Links section.

b) Click on the "Online Application Form" and complete the registration process by clicking "Register Now".

c) In the next stage, click on "Online Application Form" Link and Login.

d) Fill your all personal and educational details and upload necessary documents.

e) After the completion of all the previous steps, a candidate can submit the form.

f) At the end, take a print out of the application form.

Important Web-Links of GMDA Vacancy

Online Application Form: Click Here

Advertisement Details: Click Here

Official Website: Click Here
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