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Diphu Medical College Recruitment 2023 – 5 Contractual Posts

Diphu Medical College & Hospital

RecruitmentDiphu Medical College Recruitment 2023
Name of PostsContractual Posts
Exam DateTo be notified
Mode of ApplicationOffline
Last Date to Apply26/09/2023
Official Website

Diphu Medical College & Hospital has invited application for the recruitment of 5 contractual staff on fixed remuneration in Multidisciplinary Research Unit (MRU) of Diphu Medical College and Hospital, Diphu, Karbi Anglong. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.  
Diphu Medical College & Hospital

Diphu Medical College Recruitment

1. Research Scientist-II (Scientist ‘C')

No of posts: 1 post

Essential Qualification:

First class MBBS/BVSc degree from Medical Council of India (MCI)/VCI recognized Medical College/institute with minimum of two years research experience in Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Biochemistry/Pathology/ Microbiology/ Genetics or related biomedical subjects.


PhD Degree in Life Science, Biotechnology, Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology. Genetics or related subject from a recognized University with three years Research and Development experience.


M.Sc. with a first-class grade in a relevant life science field (Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Molecular biology, Genetics, or Microbiology) or a closely related field from a recognized university and four years of research experience in the field.

Desirable Qualification:

a. Thorough knowledge of Medical statistics, Computer applications/Data management, data analysis and interpretation of results of statistical analysis.

b. Hands on experience in molecular biology techniques (Conventional PCR, Real time PCR, DNA sequencing and analytical biochemistry).

c. Working knowledge of basic bioinformatics tools.

d. Publications in indexed scientific journals.

e. Experience of working in a similar setup in any Government or autonomous organization

Age Limit: 40 Years as on date of interview. Relaxable in accordance to GOt instructions.

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2. Research Scientist-I (Scientist ‘B’)

No of posts: 1 post

Essential Qualification:

First Class MBBS/BVSc degree from a university recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI)/VCI with minimum of one year research experience in Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/ Biochemistry/Pathology/ Microbiology/ Genetics or related biomedical subjects.


Ph.D Degree in Life Science subjects (Biotechnology, Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics) or related subject from a recognized University with two years Research and Development experience.


M.Sc. with a first-class grade in a relevant life science field (Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Molecular biology. Genetics, or Microbiology) or a closely related field from an recognized university and three years of research experience in the field.

Desirable Qualification:

a. Thorough knowledge of Medical statistics, Computer applications/Data management, data analysis and interpretation of results of statistical analysis.

b. Hands on experience in molecular biology techniques (Conventional PCR, Real time PCR, DNA sequencing and analytical biochemistry).

c. Working knowledge of basic bioinformatics tools.

d. Publications in indexed scientific journals.

e. Experience of working in a similar setup in any Government or autonomous organization

Age Limit: 35 Years as on date of interview. Relaxable in accordance to GOI instructions.

3. Lab Technician

No of posts: 2 posts

Essential Qualification:

12th pass in Science Subject and 2 years DMLT from Government recognized institute having minimum 2 years experience from a recognized organization.


12th pass in science stream and 3 years diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) with 2 years of working experience in a clinical/research laboratory.

Desirable Qualification:

a. Clinical Microbiology/Pathology/Biochemistry/molecular Biology laboratory work experience from a recognized institution.

b. Working knowledge of basic computer application.

Age Limit: Less than 30 Years as on last date of application. Relaxable in accordance to GOI instructions.

4. DEO/ Lab Assistant (Grade ‘A’)

No of posts: 1 post

Essential Qualification: 12th pass from recognized beard with 1 year experience in EDP (Electronic Data Processing) work in Government, Autonomous, PSU or any other recognized organization.

Desirable Qualification:

a. 15000 key depression per hour in computer.

b. One year experience in data entry preferably in a health care institution.

Age Limit: 25 years on date of interview. Relaxable in accordance to GOI instructions.

How to Apply for Diphu Medical College Recruitment ?

a) Interested candidates shall have to fill up the standard application form neatly and legibly and submit it with the required documents and photograph (coloured) duly self attested.

Documents required are:

(a) 3(Three) copy of recent passport size coloured photographs duly self attested,
(b) Document confirming age proof. or HSLC admit card or Birth Certificate,
(c) All mark sheets and pass certificates,
(d) Permanent Residential Certificate.
(e) Certificates of training, experience, special skills,
(f) Caste certificate.

b) Self attested copies of certificates should to be enclosed along with the application.

c) Name of the post applied for and advertisement number should be clearly mentioned on the TOP of the envelope.

d) The application is to be Submitted on or before 26th September 2023 to the following address either personally or through registered postal service.

Address for communication:
Principal-cum-Chief Superintendent,
Diphu Medical College Hospital, Diphu
Baghmari, P.O: Diphu, P.S: Diphu.
Dist: Karbi Anglong (Assam)
Pin: 782460.

Web-Links of Diphu Medical College Vacancy

Application Form: Click Here

Advertisement Details: Click Here

Official Website: Click Here
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