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Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra Society Recruitment: 55 Posts

Sankardev Kalakshetra Recruitment

Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra Society, Guwahati has invited application for the recruitment of 55 Senior Researcher/Coordinator, Field Researcher, I/T Expert, Zonal Project Supervisor, Project Assistant and Office Assistant Vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online here.

Sankardev Kalashetra Recruitment

Sankardev Kalakshetra Recruitment Posts Details

1. Senior Researcher/Coordinator

No of Posts: 01 Post

Educational Qualification: Master Degree from recognized University in Cultural Studies/Performing Arts/Cultural History/Anthropology/Social Work/Folklore/ Literature/Ancient History with minimum 3 (three) years of experience in the field of Research based works on Cultural Studies including Heritage and Ethnicity and having proven knowledge of Computer Application. Candidates having Ph.D degree will be given preference. c) Age:- Upper age limit - Not above 50 years.

Salary: Rs. 35,000/- p.m.

2. Field Researcher

No of Posts: 48 Posts

Educational Qualification: Graduate in any discipline having 3 (three) years of intense experience in the field of Art & Culture including knowledge in Heritage and Ethnicity and with proven knowledge of Computer Application. Preference will be given to the local candidates from the respective Districts (List of specified group of Districts may be seen in the website).

Age: Upper age limit - Not above 45 years.

Salary: Rs. 2,00,000/- per year.
Assam Direct Recruitment 2023:  Apply Now 
3. I/T Expert

No of Posts: 01 Post

Educational Qualification: Holding Master Degree in Information Technology from a recognized University and 5 (five) years experience is desirable with in-depth knowledge of works related to management of Database and software development and leading for important Project based on ground level data input, analysis and application.

Age: Upper age limit - Not above 40 years.

Salary: Rs. 40,000/- p.m.

4. Zonal Project Supervisor

No of Posts: 04 Posts

Educational Qualification: A Master Degree from a recognized University in Cultural Studies/Performing Arts/Cultural History/Anthropology/Social Work/Folklore/Literature /Ancient History with minimum 3 (three) years of experience in the Field of Art & Culture, data collection and analysis work for the Project based on field data collection with proven knowledge of Computer Application.

Age: Not above 40 years.

Salary: Rs. 30,000/- p.m.

5. Project Assistant

No of Posts: 01 Post

Educational Qualification: Graduate from a recognized University preferably in the Subjects same as in Sl. no. 4. above, with proven knowledge of Computer Application, preparation of Project Report and processing of office files and documents.

Age: Not above 40 years

Salary: Rs. 25,000/- p.m.

6. Office Assistant

No of Posts: 01 Post

Educational Qualification: A graduate in Commerce from a recognized University having 3 (three) years experience in Modern Accounting Procedure with fully computerized system having working knowledge of "Tally" etc.

Age: Not above 40 years

Salary: Rs. 25,000/- p.m.

How to Apply for Sankardev Kalakshetra Recruitment

Interested and eligible Candidates are requested to submit application online before 5.00 p.m. of 18th September, 2023 for engagement against the following post on purely Contractual Basis for execution of a Project—"Cultural Mapping of Art & Ethnicity of Assam" under Cultural Affairs Department, Govt. of Assam and executed by Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra Society.

Shortlisted Candidates will be informed to appear in a walk-in-interview on schedule date and time in the office of the Secretary, Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra Society, Panjabari, Guwahati.

The application will be received on online mode w.e.f 4th September, 2023.

Important Dates of Kalakshetra Vacancy

Starting Date of application:  4th September, 2023
Last Date of application: 18th September, 2023

Imp Web-Links of Kalakshetra Recruitment

Application Form: ClickHere

Advertisement Details: Click Here

Official Website: Click Here
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