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Assam New Job | Assam Skill University Recruitment 2024 Apply Online for 41 Posts

Assam Skill University.
Last Date: 30/09/2024.

Assam Skill University (ASU), Mangaldai has invited application for the recruitment of 41 Professor, Associates Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Instructor and Junior Instructor Posts for Assam Skill University. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.

Assam Skill University

Assam Skill University Recruitment 2024 Advertisement

1. Professor

No of posts: 04 posts

Department wise vacancy:
  • Electronics: 1
  • Electrical: 1
  • Food Technology: 1
  • Tourism: 1
Scale of Pay: Rs. 144200-218200/-(AL14)

Eligibility Criteria: As per UGC regulations, 2018, with its subsequent amendments if any from time to time.

2. Associate Professor

No of posts: 05 posts

Department wise vacancy:
  • Information Technology: 1
  • Electronics: 1
  • Mechanical: 1
  • Civil: 1
  • Food Technology: 1

i) Information Technology: Data Science/ Machine Learning (ML)/Deep Learning (DL)/ AI/Natural Language Processing (NLP)/ Computer Vision and Image Processing through ML/DL
ii) Electronics: Wireless Communication/ Communication Network Design and Management/ Advanced Communication Systems/ Communication Network Security and Protocols, Optical and Satellite Communication/ Internet of Things (IoT) and Sensor Networks/ Signal Processing for Communication.
iii) Mechanical: Design/Manufacturing Technologies
iv) Civil: Structural Engineering /Water Resource/Environmental Engineering/Geotechnical Engineering/Construction Technology/Construction Project Management.
v) Food Technology: Food Processing/ Food Safety/ Meat Processing/Food Quality/ Bakery Processing/Food Business.

Scale of Pay: Rs.131400-217100/-(AL 13A)

Eligibility Criteria: As per UGC regulations, 2018, with its subsequent amendments if any from time to time.

3. Assistant Professor

No of posts: 20 posts

Department wise vacancy:
  • Information Technology: 4
  • Electronics: 4
  • Mechanical: 2
  • Civil: 2
  • Electrical: 2
  • Food Technology: 2
  • Tourism: 2
  • Applied Management: 2
Scale of Pay: Rs. 57700-182400/-(AL 10)

Eligibility Criteria: As per UGC regulations, 2018, with its subsequent amendments if any from time to time

Age Limit: The Age Limit for above positions as on 01.01.2024 will be taken into account. Government of Assam norms for relaxations in age and reservations would be followed wherever applicable.

4. Senior Instructor

No of posts: 07 posts

Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.14000-70000/-+GP Rs.8700

Department wise vacancy:
  • Technology: 3
  • Manufacturing and Construction: 2
  • Agriculture and Food Technology: 1
  • Tourism, Hospitality and Wellness: 1
Eligibility Criteria:


i) Cyber Security: B.E./ B. Tech. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in Computer Science & Engineering or relevant/ allied disciplines (Network Security/Cryptography/Application and Software Security/Cyber Threat Intelligence and Incident Response is desirable)from Government recognized institution/University on a full-time regular mode with 5 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in an Industry/Institution. OR B. Voc. degree with 55% marks in Computer Science or relevant/ allied disciplines (Network Security/Cryptography/Application and certificate in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/ University on full time regular mode basis with 6 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in an Industry/Institution. OR National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in IT/ Computer Science or relevant/ allied disciplines (Network Security/Cryptography/Application and Software Security/Cyber Threat Intelligence and Incident Response is desirable) with 10 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in and Industry/Institution.

ii) Communication and Networks: B.E./ B. Tech. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in Electronics or relevant/ allied disciplines (Wireless Communication/ Communication Network Design and Management/ Advanced Communication Systems/ Communication Network Security and Protocols, Optical and Satellite Communication/ Internet of Things (IoT) and Sensor Networks/ Signal Processing for Communication is desirable) from Government recognized institution/University on a full-time regular mode with 5 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in an Industry/Institution. OR B. Voc. degree with 55% marks in Computer Science or relevant/ allied disciplines (Wireless Communication/ Communication Network Design and Management/ Advanced Communication Systems/ Communication Network Security and Protocols, Optical and Satellite Communication/ Internet of Things (IoT) and Sensor Networks/ Signal Processing for Communication is desirable) with a skill certificate in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/ University on full time regular mode basis with 6 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in an Industry/Institution. OR National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in IT/ Computer Science or relevant/ allied disciplines (Wireless Communication/ Communication Network Design and Management/ Advanced Communication Systems/ Communication Network Security and Protocols, Optical and Satellite Communication/ Internet of Things (IoT) and Sensor Networks/ Signal Processing for Communication is desirable) with 10 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in and Industry/Institution.

iii) System Design and Integration: B.E./ B. Tech. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in Electronics or relevant/ allied disciplines (VLSI/System Design and Integration/ Embedded System is desirable) from Government recognized institution/University on a full-time regular mode with 5 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in an Industry/Institution. OR B. Voc. degree with 55% marks in Computer Science or relevant/ allied disciplines (VLSI/ System Design and Integration/ Embedded System is desirable) with a skill certificate in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/ University on full time regular mode basis with 6 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in an Industry/Institution. OR National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in IT/ Computer Science or relevant/ allied disciplines (VLSI/ System Design and Integration/ Embedded System is desirable) with 10 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in and Industry/ Institution.

Manufacturing and Construction:

i) Construction: B.E./ B.Tech. with at least 55% Marks or its equivalent in Civil Engineering or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines from Government recognized institution/University on full time regular mode with 5 years of experience in Construction Industry (Preferably in the field of in surveying) OR B. Voc. Degree with 55% marks in Civil engineering and allied or its equivalent with a skill certificate in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/ University on full time regular mode basis, with 6 years of experience in Construction Industry (Preferably in the field of in surveying) OR A first-class Engineering Diploma of three years or its equivalent in Civil engineering or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines (Structural Engineering /Water Resource/Environmental Engineering/Geotechnical Engineering is desirable) from any State Board of Technical Education, with 8 years of experience in Construction Industry (Preferably in the field of in surveying) OR National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in relevant trade with 10 years of experience in Construction Industry (Preferably in the field of in surveying).

ii) Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy: B.E./ B. Tech. with at least 55% or its equivalent in Electrical Engineering or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines (Electric Vehicle is preferable) from Government recognized institution/University on full time regular mode with 5 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in a workshop / shop floor. OR B. Voc. Degree with 55% marks in Electrical engineering and allied or its equivalent with a skill certificate (Electric Vehicle is preferable) in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/ University on full time regular mode basis, with 6 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in a workshop / shop floor. OR A first-class Engineering Diploma of three years or its equivalent in Electrical engineering or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines (Electric Vehicle is preferable) from any State Board of Technical Education, with 8 years of practical training experience in reputed industry/ institution/ a workshop / shop floor. OR National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (Electric Vehicle is preferable) in relevant trade with 10 years shop floor/ workshop experience in reputed industry/institution.

Agriculture and Food Technology:

i) Food Technology and Processing: B.E./ B. Tech. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in Food Technology or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines (Food Science is desirable) from Government recognized institution/University on full time regular mode with 5 years of experience in practical training in relevant field. OR Voc. degree with 55% marks in Food Technology and allied or its equivalent with a skill certificate (Food Science is desirable) in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/ University on full time regular mode basis, with 6 years of experience in practical training in relevant field. OR A first-class Diploma of three years or its equivalent in Food Technology or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines (Food Science is desirable) from any State Board of Technical Education, with 8 years of practical training experience in the relevant filed. OR National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (Food Science is desirable) in relevant trade with 10 years shop floor/ workshop experience in reputed industry/institution.

Tourism, Hospitality and Wellness:

i) Tourism: Masters with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in tourism/ hotel management or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines from Government recognized institution/University on full time regular mode with 2 years of relevant industry experience. OR Any Graduate with at least 55% marks with post Graduate Diploma in Tourism/Hotel Management or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines from Government recognized institution/University on full time regular mode with 5 years of experience in relevant field. OR B. Voc. Degree with 55% marks in Tourism/Hotel Management or its equivalent with a skill certificate in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/ University on full time regular mode basis, with 6 years of experience in practical training in relevant field. OR A first-class Diploma of three years or its equivalent in Tourism/Hotel Management or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines from any State Board of Technical Education, with 8 years of practical training experience in reputed industry/ institution. OR National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in relevant trade with 10 years’ experience in reputed industry/institution.

Age Limit: Maximum 45 years of age.

5. Junior Instructor

No of posts: 05 posts

Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.14000-70000/-+GP Rs. 6800/-

Department wise vacancy:
  • Technology: 1
  • Manufacturing and Construction: 3
  • Agriculture and Food Technology: 1
Eligibility Criteria:


i) Data Science, ML and DL: B.E./ B. Tech. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in Computer Science & Engineering or relevant/ allied disciplines (Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence is desirable) from Government recognized institution/University on a full-time regular mode with 3 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in an Industry/Institution. OR B. Voc. degree with 55% marks in Computer Science or relevant/ allied disciplines (Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence is desirable) with a skill certificate in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/ University on full time regular mode basis with 4 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in an Industry/Institution. OR A first- class Engineering Diploma of three years or its equivalent in Computer Science or relevant/ allied or disciplines (Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence is desirable) from any State Board of Technical Education, with 8 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in an Industry/Institution. OR National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in IT/ Computer Science or relevant/ allied disciplines (Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence is desirable) with 10 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in and Industry/Institution.

Manufacturing and Construction:

i) Design and Smart Manufacturing: BB.E./ B. Tech. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in Mechanical Engineering or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines (Design and Smart Manufacturing is desirable) from Government recognized institution/University on full time regular mode with 3 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in a workshop / shop floor. OR B. Voc. Degree with 55% marks in Mechanical Engineering and allied or its equivalent with a skill certificate (Design and Smart Manufacturing is desirable) in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/ University on full time regular mode basis, with 4 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in a workshop / shop floor. OR A first-class Engineering Diploma of three years or its equivalent in Mechanical engineering or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines (Design and Smart Manufacturing is desirable) from any State Board of Technical Education, with 8 years of practical training experience in reputed industry/ institution/ a workshop / shop floor. OR National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (Design and Manufacturing is desirable) in relevant trade with 10 years shop floor/ workshop experience in reputed industry/institution.

ii) Construction: BB.E./ B. Tech. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in Civil Engineering or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines from Government recognized institution/University on full time regular mode with 3 years of experience. OR B. Voc. Degree with 55% marks in Civil engineering and allied or its equivalent with a skill certificate in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/ University on full time regular mode basis, with 4 years of experience. OR A first-class Engineering Diploma of three years or its equivalent in Civil engineering or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines from any State Board of Technical Education, with 6 years of experience. OR National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate in relevant trade with 10 years’ experience.

iii) Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy: B.E. / B. Tech. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in Electrical Engineering or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines (Renewable Energy is preferable) from Government recognized institution / University with 3 year of experience in practical training in relevant field in a workshop / shop floor. OR B. Voc. degree with 55% marks in Electrical engineering/ allied or equivalent disciplines (Renewable Energy is preferable) with a skill certificate in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/University on full time regular mode basis, with 4 years of experience in practical training in relevant field in a reputed industry/ institution/ workshop / shop floor. OR A first-class Engineering Diploma of three years or its equivalent in Electrical Engineering or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines (Renewable Energy is preferable) from any State Board of Technical Education, with 6 years of

Agriculture and Food Technology:

i) Food Technology and Processing: B.E. / B. Tech. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in Food Technology or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines (Food Processing is desirable) from Government recognized institution / University with 3 year of experience in practical training in relevant field. OR B. Voc. degree with 55% marks in Food Technology/ allied or equivalent disciplines (Food Processing is desirable) with a skill certificate in at least one QP in relevant field of NSQF Level 4 or above from UGC/AICTE recognized Institution/University on full time regular mode basis, with 4 years of experience in practical training in relevant field. OR A first-class Engineering Diploma of three years or its equivalent in Food Technology or concerned/allied/relevant disciplines (Food Processing is desirable) from any State Board of Technical Education, with 6 years of practical training experience in reputed industry/ institution. OR National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (Food Processing is desirable) in relevant trade with 10 years shop floor/ workshop experience in reputed industry/institution.

Age Limit: Maximum 38 years of age.

Application Fee: Category and post-wise application fees are as under.
Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor:
  • UR and OBC/MOBC: Rs. 1500/-
  • SC, ST(P), Ex-Service Men & Women/ EWS: Rs. 750/-
Senior Instructor / Junior Instructor:
  • UR and OBC/MOBC: Rs. 500/-
  • SC, ST(P), Ex-Service Men & Women/ EWS: Rs. 250/- 
Mode of payment: Through online bank transfer, for which details are as below:

Savings Bank Account No.: 50100712846790
IFS Code: HDFC0004678
Bank Name: HDFC
Panbazar Branch, GUWAHATI, Assam.

Applicants must submit a copy of the e-generated receipt of the payment along with the hard copy of the application, without which application will not be considered.

How to Apply for Assam Skill University Recruitment ?

Completed application in prescribed form along with necessary enclosure must reach the office of “The Registrar, Assam Skill University, 3rd Floor, DECT Building, Employment Office Complex, Rehabari, Guwahati-781008 (Assam) latest by 30.09.2024. Further applicant has to submit a soft copy of the application format along with all relevant documents in a single PDF file to latest by 28.09.2024. Without receiving of hard copy of the application, applicant will not be considered.

The envelope containing the application should be superscribed “Application for the post of … (including department and branch, if any)

Imp Dates of Skills University Recruitment

  • Starting date of  application: 5th September, 2024
  • Last date of  application: 30th September 2024

Web-Links of Assam Skill University Vacancy

Application FormClick Here
Advertisement DetailsClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here
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