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Kamrup College Recruitment 2023 Invited 8 Grade III & Grade IV Vacancy

Kamrup College, Chamata

Kamrup College, Chamata has invited application for the recruitment of 8 Junior Assistant, Library Assistant, Laboratory Bearer and Grade IV vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here. 

Last Date: 15 Days
Kamrup College Recruitment

Kamrup College Recruitment 2023

1. Grade III

No of posts: 02 posts

i) Library Assistant [ OBC/MOBC: 1 post (R.P No. 06) ]
ii) Junior Assistant [ SC: 1 post (R.P No. 08) ]

Educational Qualification: Graduate in Arts/Science/ Commerce from a recognized university and must possess 3 months Diploma in computer application. Candidates should have working knowledge in Assamese and English typing in MS word and Excel.

2. Grade IV

No of posts: 06 posts

i) Grade IV: 2 posts [ OBC/MOBC: 1 post (R.P. No. 6), UR: 1 post (R.P. No. 7) ]
ii) Laboratory Bearer: 04 posts [ SC: 1 post (R.P. No. 8), UR: 1 post (R.P. No. 9), OBC/MOBC: 1 post (R.P. No. 10), UR-1 post (R.P. No. 11) ]

Educational Qualification: Class VIII passed .

Other Criteria of Kamrup College Recruitment

Age Limit: Candidate age should not be more than 40 years Age on. 01.01.2023

Age Relaxation: Candidate upper age relaxation is of 5 years for ST/SC and 3 years for OBC/MOBC, 10 years for PWD and 2 years for Ex serviceman as per Govt. guidelines .

Domicile: The candidates must have Permanent Residential Certificate and must have proficiency in local language.

How to Apply for Kamrup College Recruitment ?

i) The candidates must apply in Assam Gazette (Part- IX) standard form of application.

ii) Applications along with complete Bio-Data and self attested copies of all testimonials must reach the following address within 15 days from the date of publication [DOP: 01/01/2023] of this advertisement along with Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- for Library, Junior Assistant and Rs. 300/- for Grade-IV, Laboratory Bearer drawn in favour of Principal, Kamrup College, Chamata payable at State Bank of India, Chamata Branch.
Kamrup College, Chamata. 

Imp Web-Links of Kamrup College Vacancy

Application Form: Click Here

Advertisement Details: Click Here

Official Website: Click Here
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