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Jail Warder Recruitment 2023 – 253 Jail Warder Vacancy

Jail Warder Recruitment 2023

RecruitmentJail Warder Recruitment 2023
Name of PostsJail Warder
Exam DateTo be notified
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Last Date to Apply11th February 2023
Official Website

Jail Warder Recruitment 2023

State Level Police Recruitment Board has invites application for the recruitment of 253 Posts of Jail Warder in the Prison Department, Assam. Interested and eligible candidates may read this advertisement and apply online here. 

Assam Police Jail Warder Recruitment

Assam Police Jail Warder Recruitment 2023

Name of Post: Jail Warder

No of Posts: 253 Posts

Name of Department: Prison Department, Assam

Name of Board: State Level Police Recruitment Board, Assam

Eligibility Criteria of Jail Warder Recruitment

Educational Qualification: Candidate must have passed HSLC or equivalent from a Board or Council recognized by the government.

Pay Scale: Pay Band No-2, Rs.14,000-60,500 and Grade Pay of Rs.5,200/- plus other allowances as admissible under the rules.

Age Limit: The age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years as on 1st January 2023.

Age Relaxation: Category wise upper age relaxation will be as follows.

OBC/MOBC: 3 Years
SC: 5 Years
ST (P): 5 Years
ST (H): 5 Years
Ex-Servicemen: 2 Years

Note: For the purpose of determining the age limit, the SLPRB will accept only the date of birth recorded in the Admit Card/ Certificate of HSLC or equivalent examination issued by a recognized education Board. No other documents relating to age such as horoscopes, affidavits, birth extracts from Municipal Corporations, service records and the like will be accepted.

Other Details of Jail Warder Recruitment

Nationality: Candidates must be Indian Citizens and permanent residents of Assam.

Employment Exchange: Candidates must register his/ her name with a local Employment Exchange in Assam.

Language: Candidates must speak Assamese or any other State language fluently.

Application Fee: There is no application fee for this recruitment.

Required Physical Standard

To be a part of Jail Warder Recruitment 2023 candidates have to fulfil the following physical standards.

1. Height (Minimum):

General162.5 cm144.5 cm
OBC/MOBC162.5 cm144.5 cm
SC162.5 cm144.5 cm
ST (P)158 cm142 cm
ST (H)158 cm142 cm

Chest (Only for Men): measuring not less than 81 cm when deflated.

Weight: proportionate to height and age as per medical standard.

Candidates must be of sound health both mentally and physically, and free from organic defect or bodily infirmity likely to interfere with the efficient discharge of his /her duties. Candidates are required to undergo and Medical Examination as may be necessary before appointment to the service.

Physical Efficiency Test

The Physical Efficiency Test will carry 40 marks. It will have 2 (two) events viz.
a) 1600 meters race for male candidates and 800 meters race for female candidates.
b) Long Jump – for male 335 cm (minimum) and for female 244 cm (minimum), 3 chances
(longest valid jump will be considered).

Male candidates:

a) Race: Those who qualify in the PST will have to appear in 1600 meters race to be
completed within 450 seconds. Maximum qualifying time 450 seconds.
b) Long Jump: Minimum 335 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest
valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).

Assam Police Jail Warder Recruitment Apply Online ?

Interested and eligible candidates may apply online for these vacancy by visiting official SLPRB Recruitment Portal. Candidates may follow below mentioned steps to apply online.

a) Scroll down, go to Important Web-Links section .

b) Click on the "Online Application Form" and complete the registration process by clicking "New Registration".

c) In the next stage, click on "Online Application Form" Link and Login.

d) Fill your all personal and educational details and upload necessary documents.

e) At the end, submit the form.

f) Don't forget to take a print out of the application form.  

Important Dates of Jail Warder Vacancy 2023

 Application Start Date: 28th January 2023
 Application Last Date: 11th February 2023

Important Links of Jail Warder Recruitment

Online Application Link: Click Here

Download Official Notification: Click Here

Install Our Android App: Click Here

Visit Official Website: Click Here

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FAQs of Jail Warder Recruitment

What is the starting date of online application?

The starting date to apply online for Jail Warder Recruitment is 28th January 2023.

What is the total number of vacancies of Jail Warder Recruitment 2023?

The number of vacant posts under Jail Warder Recruitment is 253.

What is the last date of online application?

The last date to apply online for Jail Warder Recruitment is 11th February 2023.

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