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Assam Tea Employees Welfare Board Recruitment 2023

Assam Tea Employees Welfare Board

RecruitmentTea Welfare Assam Recruitment 2023
Name of PostsVarious
Exam DateTo be notified
Mode of ApplicationOffline
Last Date to Apply21/08/2023
Official Website

Tea Welfare Assam Recruitment: Assam Tea Employees Welfare Board has invited application for the recruitment of Electrical Instructor, Workshop Calculation, Engineering Drawing and Sociology / Social Vacancy on Contractual engagement for a period of 11 (Eleven) month. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.
অসম চাহ কৰ্মচাৰী কল্যাণ ব’ৰ্ডে ১১ (এঘাৰ) মাহৰ বাবে ঠিকাভিত্তিক নিয়োজিত হৈ বৈদ্যুতিক প্ৰশিক্ষক, কৰ্মশালা গণনা, অভিযান্ত্ৰিক অংকন আৰু সমাজবিজ্ঞান / সামাজিক খালী পদৰ নিযুক্তিৰ বাবে আবেদন আহ্বান জনাইছে। ইচ্ছুক আৰু যোগ্য প্ৰাৰ্থীয়ে ইয়াত আবেদন কৰিব পাৰিব।

Tea Welfare Assam Recruitment 2022

Tea Welfare Assam Recruitment 2023

1. Electrical Instructor(Full Time)

Remuneration: Rs. 15000/- per month

Educational Qualification: ITI passed in 2 years Electrical Trade (Full time) from Govt recognised institute/ ITI with atleast 2 years working experience, in Govt./private institute with one year apprenticeship in the subject.

Age: Minimum age should be 18 to 40 year as, on 01/07/2023.

2. Workshop Calculation(Part Time)

Educational Qualification: Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering from Govt recognised Institution with 2 years working experience.

Age: Relaxation of age will be made as per Govt. Rules.

3. Engineering Drawing(Part Time)

Educational Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering from Govt. Recognised institution with 2 years working experience.

Age: Relaxation of age will be made as per Govt. Rules.

4. Sociology / Social(Part Time)

Remuneration: Monthly fixed remuneration for part time instructors is Rs. 8,000/- per month

Educational Qualification: Graduate in Sociology / Social work,

Age: The minimum age is 18 to 40 years on 01/07/2023. Relaxation of age will be made as per Govt. Rules.

How to Apply for Assam Tea Welfare Recruitment?

Interested and eligible candidates need to fill the Standard Application From and enclose the below mentioned self attested documents. Intending Candidates shall drop their application in the “Drop Box” in the office premises of Welfare Commissioner, Assam Tea Employees Welfare Board Guwahati -6, during office hours from 12/08/2023 to 21/08/2023 or submit through email to within 5.00 PM on 21/08/2023.

The last date of submission of application with required documents is 21/08/2023.Only the shortlisted candidates will be called for Walk-in-Interview vide E-mail, Whatsapp and SMS.

Documents to be enclosed with the application form and need to produce at the time of interview:
  • Age proof certificate, HSLC or CBSC Admit Card/ birth Certificate issued by concerned District Health authorities will be accepted.
  • Certificates for proof of educational qualification.
  • Experience Certificate from permanent/present Institution if any.
  • 3 (Three) recent self attested passport size photographs.
  • Permanent /Temporary address proof.
  • Mobile number with whatsapp facilities.
  • E-mail ID if any

Web-Links of  Tea Welfare Assam Vacancy

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Official Website: Click Here
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