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Kokrajhar Judiciary Recruitment 2023 – Apply For 05 Peon Posts

District and Sessions Judge, Kokrajhar

RecruitmentKokrajhar Judiciary Recruitment 2023
Name of PostsPeon IV Vacancy
Number of Vacancies05
Exam DateTo be notified
Mode of ApplicationOffline
Last Date to Apply06/03/2023
Official Website

Kokrajhar Judiciary Recruitment

District and Sessions Judge, Kokrajhar has invited application for the recruitment of 05 peon (Grade IV) Vacancy under the establishment of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kokrajhar. Interested and eligible candidates who are seeking to apply can fill Kokrajhar Judiciary Application. The last date for submitting applications is 06/03/2023. This is the good opportunity for the job hunters who are looking for the Career in Kokrajhar Judiciary. Before applying to this job, Aspirants are requested to go through the latest Kokrajhar Judiciary job notification 2023 fully. The Office of Principal Judge, Family Court, Kokrajhar job applications are collected by Offline mode.
Kokrajhar Judiciary Recruitment

Kokrajhar Judiciary Peon Recruitment 2023

The detailed information on Kokrajhar Judiciary latest job notification 2023 has been given below and this Kokrajhar Judiciary recruitment comes under the Government job. The job hunters are requested to read below the Kokrajhar Court (Kokrajhar Judiciary) Peon selection process, eligibility, salary, age limit and applications fee in our website. However, for more accurate information on this Kokrajhar Judiciary job notification check the official notification which is given below at the end of the article and also check their official website

Kokrajhar Judiciary Recruitment 2023

Name of post: Peon (Grade IV)

No of posts: 05 (UR: 03, OBC-01, SC: 01)

Scale of Pay: Rs.12,000-52,000/- + GP Rs.3,900/- + other allowances admissible as per rule.

Age Limit: The candidate must not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years of age as on 06/03/2023. The upper age is relaxable as per Govt. norms.
  • By 5 years for ST and SC candidates i.e. up to 45 years;
  • By 3 years for OBC,/ MOBC candidates i.e. up to 43 years;
  • By 2 years i.e up to 42 years in respect of Ex-Service men and 10 years i.e. upto 50 years in respect of Persons With Disabilities
Educational Qualification: Minimum qualification is Class VIII passed but those who have passed HSSLC (10+2) or above shall be ineligible to apply for the posts. 

Any such application not conforming to the prescribed educational criteria shall automatically stand cancelled. Applicants have to produce a self-declaration certificate along with the application form mentioning that “he/she has not passed HSSLC or equivalent examination or above”.

How to Apply for Kokrajhar Recruitment ?

Interested and Eligible candidates may drop their application in a sealed envelope with self attested copies of all testimonials regarding Educational Qualification, Age, caste, Valid Employment Exchange Registration card along with 3 (three) copies of recent passport size photographs duly signed by the candidate, in the “Drop Box” of the Office of the District and Sessions Judge, Kokrajhar or may send the application form along with all documents by post/Registered post/courier service to the office address mentioned below.

Envelope containing the application should indicate the name of the post applied for in block letters as- "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PEON"

The applicants shall mention their Mobile Numbers in the application form in red ink without fail.

The last date of receipt of application form is 06-03-2023 (Monday) up to 04:00 P.M. No application will be entertained after the last date. The appointing authority shall not be responsible under any circumstances for any Postal delay.

The application should be addressed to: 
The District & Sessions Judge, Kokrajhar, Court-Para, Ward No-10, PO&PS/District- Kokrajhar, Assam, PIN-783370

Imp Web-Links of Kokrajhar Recruitment

Application Form: Click Here

Advertisement Details: Click Here

Official Website: Click Here
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