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Tihu Job | Tihu College Nalbari Recruitment 2023 – 6 Assistant Professor Vacancy

Tihu College, Tihu, Nalbari

Tihu College, Tihu, Nalbari has invited application for the recruitment of 6 Assistant Professor Vacancy.  Interested and eligible candidates may apply here 
Last Date: 15 Days

Tihu College Nalbari Recruitment 2023

Name of post: Assistant Professor

No of posts: 06

Subject-wise vacancy:

◾ Assamese: 1
◾ Political Science: 1
◾ Philosophy: 1
◾ Zoology: 2
◾ Physics: 1 

Eligibility Criteria of Tihu College Recruitment

Education Qualification: Education qualification and the selection procedure will be as per Govt. office memorandum No. AHE.239/2021/68 Dtd. 24.01.2022. The age of candidates are as per Assam Govt. rule.

Domicile: The candidates must have Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) and must know local language.

How to Apply for Tihu College Recruitment 2023?

Applications in the format prescribed by the DHE, Assam along with complete Bio-Data including contact no, email etc. and self attested copies of all testimonials from HSLC onwards with relevant documents along with a Demand Draft of Rs.1500/- (Non refundable) only drawn in favour of Principal, Tihu College, Tihu, payable at UCO Bank, Tihu Branch must reach the following address within 15 (fifteen days) from the publication [DOP: 01/01/2022] of this advertisement.
Principal & Secretary
Tipu College, Tihu.

Web-Links of Tihu College Nalbari Vacancy

Application Form: Click Here

Advertisement Details: Click Here
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