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DEE Assam Merit List 2023, LP/UP 5320 Teacher District Wise Final Merit List

DEE Assam Merit List 2023

Directorate of Elementary Education (DEE), Assam recently completed the online application process for the recruitment of 5320 LP and UP Teacher vacancy under the Directorate of Elementary Education, Assam. These vacancies are for Assistant Teacher of LP Schools and  UP Schools. Candidates who applied online for these posts may able to check their name in final merit list of DEE from 4 PM of 23rd May 2023.
DEE Assam Merit List 2023

DEE Assam Merit List Full Details

Name of post: LP and UP Teacher

No of posts: 5,320 posts
  • LP Teacher: 3,887 posts
  • UP Teacher: 1,443 posts
Advertisement no: E-255733/10 & E255733/15 dated 11/02/2023

Name of department: Directorate of Elementary Education, Assam (DEE)
Type of Merit List: Final Merit List

Status of merit list: Not Released

Date of release of merit list: 23rd May 2023 (4 PM)

Official website: 

District Wise TET Merit List

Here, candidates may directly download district wise DEE Provisional and Final Merit Lists for Assam TET Teacher Recruitment.

Instructions on DEE LP UP Merit List 2023

Here is a set of instructions issued by Directorate of Elementary Education, (DEE) Assam regarding DEE LP UP Merit List 2023.

i) Any adverse report resulting from verification of the documents regarding fake or forged documents submitted by the candidates will automatically lead to cancellation of candidature as mentioned in the advertisement.
Related Artile: MSA Recruitment
ii) The Provisional Merit List will automatically stand cancelled on publication of the Final Select List. Appointment letters will be issued only to the candidates whose names appear in the Final Select List.

iii) Any claim for appointment on the basis of Provisional Merit List/s will not be entertained.

iv) Any genuine grievance along-with documentary evidence regarding the Provisional Merit List will be addressed on 10th & 11th May, 2023 from 11 :00 AM to 2:00 PM in the Conference Hall of the Directorate of Elementary Education, Assam. Kahilipara, Guwahati-19.

Important Details Mentioned on DEE Merit List

The candidates will find the following information mentioned on the DEE Merit List. They are advised to check the detail mentioned on the DEE Merit List 2023 to ensure that all the information given are correct. The details mentioned on the DEE Assam Merit List are:
  • Name of district
  • Category
  • Application No
  • Gender
  • Percentage of marks in HSSLC, TET, Graduation & others
  • Medium and
  • Total marks 

How to Check DEE Assam LP UP Merit List ?

Candidates who applied online for 5320 LP and UP Teacher vacancy under the Directorate of Elementary Education, Assam may check this page for LP UP Merit List once it's released by DEE. Candidates may follow below mentioned steps to check official merit list.  

Step 01: Scroll down, go to "Important Web-Links" section.

Step 02: Next click on DEE Merit List 2023 link .

Step 03: The official DEE portal will be displayed in new tab.

Step 04: Go to respective district and click LP or UP section accordingly.

Step 05: Your required merit list will be displayed.

Important Web-Links of DEE LP UP Merit List

DEE Final Merit List: Click Here

Final Merit List Notice: Click Here

DEE 2nd Provisional Merit List: Click Here

DEE 1st Provisional Merit List: Click Here

Merit List Notification: Click Here

Advertisement Details: Click Here

Official Website: Click Here
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