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Pandu College Maligaon Recruitment 2023 Invited 2 Junior Assistant Vacancy

Job in Pandu College, Maligaon 

Pandu College, Guwahati has invited application for the recruitment of 2 Junior Assistant Vacancy . Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.

 Last Date: 15 Days [DOP: 01/01/2023]

Job in Pandu College, Maligaon

Pandu College Maligaon Recruitment

Name of post: Junior Assistant (Grade III)

No of posts: 02 (UR)

Educational Qualification: Graduate in Arts/ Science/ Commerce from recognized  College/ Institution  affiliated to a recognized University with a computer diploma or certificate course of minimum three month's duration. The candidate should have the working knowledge in Assamese and English typing in MS Word and Simple Excel.

Related: 5000+ Posts  Apply Now 

Eligibility Criteria of Pandu College Posts

Age Limit: The age of the candidate for all the posts should not be more than 40 years as on 01.01.2023. Age relaxation for reserved categories of candidates will be as per prescribed Govt. rules.

Domicile: The candidates must have Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC) and proficiency in local language.

How to Apply for Pandu College Recruitment ?

Applications with relevant documents along with a (non-Demand Draft refundable) of Rs.500.00 (five hundred) only, drawn in  favour of Principal, Pandu College, Pandu, Guwahati- 781012, payable at the Canara Bank, Maligaon Branch or Direct payment receipt to SB Account No.2687101003974, IFSC: CNRB0002687 must reach the following address within 15 days from the date of publication [DOP: 01/01/2023] of this advertisement.
    Pandu College, Pandu
    Kamrup (M), Assam-781012.

Web-Links of Pandu College Vacancy

Application Form: Click Here

Advertisement Details: Click Here
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