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Assam High School Teacher Recruitment 2024 Apply for 8230 Posts

Assam High School Teacher Recruitment:

Assam High School Teacher Recruitment 2024: Directorate of Secondary Education (DSE), Assam has invited two employment notifications for the recruitment of 8230 Graduate Teacher (Arts, Science, Hindi and Sanskrit) Vacancy in different Government and Provincialized Secondary Schools under the Secondary Education Department, Govt. of Assam. 


Assam High School Teacher Recruitment 2024:

Name of post: Graduate Teacher

No of posts: 8230 posts
  • Government Secondary School: 226 posts
  • Provincialized Secondary School: 8004 posts
Category-wise vacancy:
  • Graduate Teacher (Science): 2167
  • Graduate Teacher (Mathematics): 1766
  • Graduate Teacher (Arts): 3426
  • Graduate Teacher (Hindi): 642
  • Graduate Teacher (Sanskrit): 229
Pay Scale: Rs.14,000 – Rs.60,500 including Grade Pay of Rs.8,700 per month and other allowances as admissible under the rules. 
Note: The District-wise, subject-wise, medium-wise & category-wise vacancy details is being made available at Important Web-Links section .

Eligibility Criteria of Assam High School Teacher Recruitment:

Nationality: Candidates must be a Permanent Resident of Assam.

Related Article: DSE Assam Recruitment 2024

Age Limit: Candidates age should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years as on 01.01.2023.

Age Relaxation: The upper age relaxation will be as follows-

OBC/MOBC: 3 Years
ST/SC: 5 Years
Ex-Servicemen: 2 Years
PwD: 10 Years 
Educational Qualification:

Graduate Teacher (Arts & Science):

i) For the post of Graduate Teacher (Arts), the candidate must be Arts / Commerce Graduate or Post Graduate in Arts / Commerce having from recognized University with at least 50% marks in either Graduation or Post Graduation (or its equivalent) and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from National Council for Teacher Education recognized Institution(s).

ii) For the post of Graduate Teacher (Science), the candidate must be Science Graduate or Post Graduate in Science having from recognized University with at least 50% marks in either Graduation or Post Graduation (or its equivalent) and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from National Council for Teacher Education recognized Institution(s).

Graduate Teacher (Hindi):

i) Pravin / Ratna in Hindi with 50% marks and degree qualification with 50% marks or post Graduate degree in Arts with 50% marks from any recognized University, Or BA with 50% marks and having Hindi as one of the subjects with 50% marks or post Graduate in Arts with 50% marks provided that he has passed BA with one of the subjects as Hindi with 50% marks in Hindi.

ii) B.T / B.Ed. degree from any recognized University (Parangat to be treated as B.Ed. degree).

Graduate Teacher (Sanskrit):

i) Shastri with 50% marks and having degree qualification with 50% marks or post Graduate degree in Arts with 50% marks from any recognized University, Or BA with 50% marks and having Sanskrit as one of the subjects with 50% of marks or Post Graduate Degree in Arts with 50% marks in Sanskrit.

ii) B.T. / B.Ed. degree from any recognized University. 
Off-campus Degree: As per the Assam Secondary Education (Provincialised Schools) (Amendment) Service Rules, 2021, those institutions having territorial jurisdiction outside the State of Assam but having a study centre in the State and such study centres if not recognized by DEC under UGC, the degrees / certificates issued by such off campus institutions shall not be considered as valid for the purpose of employment under Education Department. However degrees / diplomas conferred by KKHSOU, IGNOU, IDOL under Gauhati University and Distance Education under Dibrugarh University shall be considered as valid for the purpose of employment.

Medium of Instruction:

(i) In case of Assamese Medium School, the candidate must have passed HSLC or equivalent Examination with Assamese Language as one of the subjects or having Diploma in Assamese Language issued by the Axom Sahitya Sabha or read up to HSLC level in Assamese medium School.

(ii) In case of Bengali Medium School, the candidate must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with Bengali language as one of the subjects or having Diploma in Bengali language issued by the Barak Upatyaka Bangya Sahitya O Sanskriti Sammelan or read up to HSLC level in Bengali medium School.

(iii) In case of Hindi medium School, the candidate must have passed HSLC or equivalent Examination with Hindi language as one of the subjects or read up to HSLC level in Hindi medium School.

(iv) In case of Bodo Medium School, the candidate must have passed HSLC or equivalent Examination with Bodo language as one of the subjects or read up to HSLC level in Bodo Medium School.

(v) In case of English Medium School, the candidate must have passed HSLC or equivalent Examination with Alternative English as one of the subjects or read from Class XI onwards in English Medium School.

Examination Fee: Category-wise examination fee is as under.

GeneralRs 500/-
SC/ST/OBC/MOBC/PWD/OthersRs 350/-

How to Apply for Assam High School Teacher Recruitment?

Interested and eligible candidates may apply online for these vacancy by visiting official DSE Assam Recruitment Portal. Candidates may follow below mentioned steps to apply for Assam High School Teacher vacancy.

a) Scroll down, go to Important Web-Links section.

b) Click on the "Online Application Form" and complete the registration process by clicking "Register Now".

c) In the next stage, fill your all personal and educational details and upload necessary documents.

d) At the end, submit the form.

e) Take a print out of the application form.

Documents To be Uploaded with Online Application:

Documents as mentioned below should be coloured scanned and clear in PDF format while uploading and applying online and all documents should be self attested.

◾ Passport Size Colour Photograph
◾ HSLC Mark sheet and Admit Card (Age Proof)
◾ HSSLC Mark-sheet and Certificate 
◾ Mark sheet and Certificate of Degree (in case of candidates for the post of Graduate Teacher Arts and Science, shall submit all three year Mark sheet and Pravin / Ratna final examination marksheet and certificate in case of Hindi Post .
◾ Post Graduate mark sheet and Certificate in case of less than 50% marks in Graduation.
◾ High School TET mark sheet
◾ B.Ed / Parangat Mark sheet (1st Year & 2nd Year) and Certificate
◾ Caste Certificate (in case of SC/ ST(P)/ST(H)/OBC/MOBC)
◾ Certificate NCC (Only B or C Category only), Sports & Cultural (if represented state at National Level)
◾ Scanned Signature
◾ Experience certificate (if any) of 15 years of teaching experience in undergraduate/junior teacher in provincialized high/higher secondary school. Experience certificate (if any) 1(one) year of teaching experience as contractual teacher.
◾ Experience certificate (if any) 2 (two) years of teaching experience as contractual teacher.
◾ Experience certificate (if any) 1 (one) year of teaching experience as contractual teacher.
◾ Certificate of Ex-servicemen issued by the Director, Sainik Welfare Board.

Imp Dates of Teacher Recruitment 2024:

Starting date of online application submission: 21st October 2024
Last date of online application submission: 20th November 2024
◾ Edit/ correction of application form: 22nd to 30th November 2024 (Midnight)

Imp Web-Links of Assam High School Teacher Vacancy:

Application Edit FormClick Here
Application Correction NoticeClick Here
Online Application FormClick Here
Last Date ExtensionClick Here
Advertisement Details (Government) Click Here | Addendum
Advertisement Details (Provincialized) Click Here | Addendum
Official WebsiteClick Here

Teachers Eligibility Test cum Recruitment Test:

Candidate shall have to appear and pass in the Teachers Eligibility Test cum Recruitment Test to be notified in due course of time. Pattern of the test is as follows.

Pedagogy50 marks
About Assam and its People50 marks
General English30 marks
General Studies and Current Affairs10 marks
Total140 marks

Common Question Paper: There shall be one common question paper for all vacancies irrespective of Subjects for Post Graduate Teacher recruitment.
No of Qualified Candidate: The number of qualified candidates in the TET cum Recruitment Test shall be in the ratio of 1:1 of the vacancies advertised.

Merit List: In case, any post remains vacant after publication of the first Merit List as per the ratio of 1 : 1, then maximum 2 (two) more numbers of Merit List will be published. There shall be separate Merit List Subject-wise in case of Post Graduate Teacher.

Criteria of Merit List: The Merit List shall be prepared in the manner as proposed below:-

The marks secured in the TET cum Recruitment Test by the candidates of a particular subject shall be filtered out from the main list into a separate merit list of the particular subject. Similar process shall be adopted for all other subjects.
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