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Indian Economy Objective GK Questions For Bank, UPSC, RAS/RTS , UPPCS, B.ED., MBA, BBA, RRB, SSC

GK 2019 : General Knowledge important questions and answers for Competitive exam & Government Job exam preparation and Interview. Current GK important Quiz Questions with answer and explanation. General Knowledge 2019 for candidates who are preparing for Competitive or Government Job examinations and GK Interview can read this page Today General Knowledge GK questions and answers and online practice GK quiz for better results. This website is provide Assamese or English language type of general knowledge GK questions 


1. The Repo rate w.e.f. March 4, 2009 stands at—
(A) 5·
(B) 5·0%
(C) 4·5%
(D) 4·0%

2. As per RBI released data; India’s foreign exchange reserves on January 2, 2009 stands at—
(A) $ 247·68 billion
(B) $ 254·64 billion
(C) $ 255·24 billion
(D) $ 258·34 billion

3. As per the report on State of Forest released on February 13, 2008, what is the percentage coverage of forest area in the total geographical area of the country ?
(A) 22·20%
(B) 21·30%
(C) 20·60%
(D) 19·90%

4. 13th Finance Commission has been constituted under the Chairmanship of—
(A) Y. S. P. Thorat
(B) Vijai L. Kelkar
(C) T. S. Vijayan
(D) Laxmi Narayan

5. SEBI is a—
(A) Statutory body
(B) Advisory body
(C) Constitutional body
(D) Non-statutory body

6. In Forbes’ list “Billionaire Blowup of 2008”, which of the following has been identified as the biggest loser of 2008 in the world ?
(A) Bill Gates
(B) Anil Ambani
(C) Laxmi Mittal
(D) Mukesh Ambani

7. When was the SAARC established ?
(A) On December 8, 1984
(B) On January 1, 1984
(C) On December 8, 1985
(D) On January 1, 1985

8. What is the present number of member countries of European Economic Community ?
(A) 15
(B) 12
(C) 25
(D) 20

9. Which Committee recommended abolition of tax rebates under section 88 ?
(A) Chelliah Committee
(B) Kelkar Committee
(C) Shome Committee
(D) None of the above

10. Which of the following countries is not the members of European Union ?
(A) Switzerland
(B) Malta
(C) The Czeck Republic
(D) Poland

11. Pradhanmantri Bharat Jodo Pariyojna is related to—
(A) Communication
(B) Social Integration
(C) Linking of Rivers
(D) Development of Highways

12. ‘Sagarmala’ is a name associated with—
(A) A drilling vessel
(B) A project of port development
(C) Oil well in Indian Ocean
(D) None of the above

13. Tarapore Committee submitted its report on “Full Convertibility on Rupee” in—
(A) Current account
(B) Capital account
(C) Both in current as well as in capital account
(D) Special Drawing Rights (SDR)

14. In October 2008 Govt. has dropped another 14 items from the list of SSI which leaves the number of items reserved for the SSI at—
(A) 42
(B) 32
(C) 28
(D) 21

15. During the second quarter of 2008-09, i.e., July-September 2008, India’s current account deficit stood at—
(A) $ 4·297 billion
(B) $ 6·297 billion
(C) $ 9·538 billion
(D) $ 12·538 billion

16. CENVAT is related to—
(A) Sales Tax
(B) Excise Duty
(C) Custom Duty
(D) Service Tax

17. Aam Admi Bima Yojana provides social security to—
(A) All labours in rural areas
(B) All landless labours living below poverty line in rural areas
(C) All labours in urban areas
(D) All labours in both rural as well as urban areas

18. According to 2001 census urbanrural population ratio is about—
(A) 35 : 65
(B) 32 : 68
(C) 28 : 72
(D) 25 : 75

19. Asian Development Bank has approved an additional $ 71 million loan to the water project associated with the state—
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Gujarat

20. According to 2001 census the state having highest urban population is—
(A) U.P.
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Kerala

21. In Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) Scheme, government has targeted to ensure universal access to secondary level education by the year—
(A) 2012
(B) 2015
(C) 2017
(D) 2020

22. International Finance Corporation (IFC) has decided to fund an Ultra Mega Power Project in Gujarat. This project belongs to—
(A) Reliance Group
(B) Tata Group
(C) Birla Group

23. Which states ranks first and last respectively in Education Development Index (EDI) prepared to track the progress of states towards providing universal elementary education ?
(A) Kerala and Orissa respectively
(B) Kerala and Bihar repectively
(C) Andhra Pradesh and Orissa respectively
(D) Karnataka and Bihar respectively

24. Targeted power capacity addition for 11th plan period is—
(A) 41110 MW
(B) 66463 MW
(C) 68963 MW
(D) 86283 MW

25. According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2008-09, India gets competitiveness ranking at—
(A) 46th
(B) 50th
(C) 52nd
(D) 55th

26. The Ex-officio Secretary of NDC is—
(A) Secretary of Finance Ministry
(B) General Secretary of Lok Sabha
(C) Secretary of Planning Commission
(D) Vice Chairman of Planning Commission

27. For charters and cargo services, what is the new FDI ceiling announced by the government ?
(A) 100%
(B) 75%
(C) 61%
(D) 51%

28. In National Mineral Policy (1993) which mineral was allowed for having investment from private sector—
(A) Coal
(B) Iron
(C) Gold
(D) Platinum

29. The share of road transport in total transport of the country is—
(A) 20%
(B) 40%
(C) 60%
(D) 80%

30. At the end of September 2008, India’s foreign debt stood at $ 222·61 billion in which share of long term debt and short term debt stands at—
(A) 80 : 20
(B) 20 : 80
(C) 77·5 : 22·5
(D) 22·5 : 77·5

31. Which percentage of Central Taxes have been recommended by the 12th Finance Commission to be transferred to States ?
(A) 28·5%
(B) 29·5%
(C) 30·5%
(D) 31·5%

32. Which state possesses the maximum percentage of SC population ?
(A) U.P.
(B) M.P.
(C) Kerala
(D) Punjab

33. Government has decided to cover all districts of the country in National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme (NREGP)—
(A) Upto January 1, 2008
(B) Upto March 31, 2008
(C) w.e.f. April 1, 2008
(D) w.e.f. April 1, 2009

34. What is ‘NIKKEI’ ?
(A) Share Price Index of Tokyo Share Market
(B) Name of Japanese Central Bank
(C) Japanese name of Country’s Planning Commission
(D) Foreign Exchange Market of Japan

35. Which statement is correct for Indian Planning Commission ?
(A) It is not defined in Indian Constitution
(B) Members and Vice-Chairman of it do not have fixed working duration
(C) Members do not require any minimum education
(D) All of these

36. Which State of the following has adopted VAT (Value Added Tax) w.e.f. January 1, 2007 ?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Gujarat
(D) Goa

37. CCEA (Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs) has decided to allow ‘Navratna’ and ‘Mini Ratna’ companies to invest in mutual funds upto……per cent of their cash balances.
(A) 25%
(B) 30%
(C) 40%
(D) 50%

38. NABARD was established on the recommendation of—
(A) Public Account Committee
(B) Shivaraman Committee
(C) Narsimham Committee
(D) None of these

39. Sampurna Gramin Rojgar Yojana has been launched from—
(A) 1st April, 2001
(B) 25th Sept., 2001
(C) 30th Sept., 2001
(D) No scheme of such title has yet launched

40. Which company is providing mobile service with name ‘Cell One’ to the consumers ?
(C) Reliance Infocom
(D) Bharti Tele

41. VAT is imposed—
(A) Directly on consumer
(B) On final stage of production
(C) On first stage of production
(D) On all stages between production and final sale

42. Which city has been identified as the hottest (i.e., first ranking) outsourcing destination in the world ?
(A) Bangalore (India)
(B) Dublin (Ireland)
(C) Makati City (The Philippines)
(D) Tokyo (Japan)

43. Kutir Jyoti scheme is associated with—
(A) Promoting cottage industry in villages
(B) Promoting employment among rural unemployed youth
(C) Providing electricity to rural families living below the poverty line
(D) All of these

44. Novelis has been acquired and merged with—
(A) Tata Steels
(D) Jindal Steels

45. OTCEI is—
(A) Atomic Submarine of China
(B) Economic Policy of USA
(C) An Indian Share Market
(D) A defence research organization

46. Foreign Trade Policy 2008-09 document forecasts the share of India’s trade in world trade at—
(A) 1·2%
(B) 1·3%
(C) 1·4%
(D) 1·5%

47. Govt. has decided to provide interest subsidy on housing loan upto Rs. one lakh to the urban poor during 11th five year plan. The granted interest subsidy is of—
(A) 5%
(B) 7·5%
(C) 10%
(D) 12·5%

48. The base of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers is being shifted from 1982 to—
(A) 1995
(B) 1998
(C) 2000
(D) 2001

49. SAARC University will have its head office in—
(A) Dhaka (Bangladesh)
(B) New Delhi (India)
(C) Colombo (Sri Lanka)
(D) Male (Maldives)

50. The base year of present Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Urban Non-Manual Employees (CPI—UNME) is—
(A) 1980-81
(B) 1981-82
(C) 1982-83
(D) 1984-85

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