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General Awareness Questions and Answers : Bank Exams, Bank PO, IBPS Clerk

General Awareness Questions and Answers
 Bank Exams | Bank PO | IBPS Clerk

1. A proclamation of National Emergency automatically suspends–
(A) All Fundamental rights
(B) Right to Freedom
(C) Right to Constitutional Remedies
(D) No Fundamental right

2. The Indian Constitution was amended for the first time in–
(A) 1953
(B) 1950
(C) 1951
(D) 1952

3. The Ninth Schedule of the Constitution of India was–
(A) added by the 24th Amendment
(B) added by the 7th Amendment
(C) added by the 1st Amendment
(D) added by the 42nd Amendment

4. Hwang Ho river flows through which one of the following cities–
(A) Beijing
(B) Ho Chi Minch City
(C) Shanghai
(D) Manila

5. The waterfall 'Victoria' is associated with the river–
(A) Amazon
(B) Missouri
(C) St Lawrence
(D) Zamvenzi
6. Who is the present RBI Governor?
(A) D Subbarao
(B) YB Reddy
(C) Arun Ramnathan
(D) Rakesh Mohan

7. RRB is not yet established in which states?
(A) Bihar and Rajasthan
(B) Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh
(C) Sikkim and Goa
(D) Nagaland

8. Ghori directed his first invasion against–
(A) Multan
(B) Sindh
(C) Punjab
(D) Anhilwara

9. Bengal passed from The Palars to the control of a new dynasty, the Senas. Where did the Senas come from?
(A) Orissa
(B) Kamrupa
(C) Central India
(D) The Deccan

10. As regards the use of international food safety standards as reference point for the dispute settlements. Which one of the following does WTO collaborate with?
(A) Codex Alimentarius Commission
(B) International Federation of Standard Users
(C) International Organization of Standardization
(D) World Standards Cooperation
11. The Chandella King who in his old age is said to have sacrificed his life at the Sangam in Prayag was–
(A) Dhanga
(B) Vidhyadhara
(C) Harsha
(D) Yasovarman

12. Shankaracharya was mainly a–
(A) Shaiva
(B) Vaishnava
(C) Shakta
(D) Sauro pasaka

13. In which one of the following Indian states is the Tsanyang Gyastso biosphere reserve located?
(A) Arunachal Pradesh
(B) Asom
(C) Mizoram
(D) Sikkim

14. Which one of the following can convert the alternating current into direct current?
(A) Transformer
(B) Motor
(C) Dynamo
(D) Rectifier

15. Power of two bulbs are 50 Wand 100 W which are connected in series. Then 50 W bulb will–
(A) glow brighter
(B) glow less than 100 watt bulb
(C) glow dim
(D) not glow
16. The phenomenon of bursting of hydrogen balloon is based on–
(A) Charle's law
(B) Boyle's law
(C) Henry's law
(D) Bernoulli's theorem

17. Which one of these is a federal feature of the Indian Constitution?
(A) A written and rigid constitution
(B) An independent judiciary
(C) Vesting of residuary powers with the centre
(D) Distribution of powers between the centre and states

18. Which of the following features of the Constitution of India resemble the American Constitution?
(A) A written constitution
(B) Single citizenship
(C) Integrated judiciary
(D) Parliamentary form of government

19. The word 'socialist, secular' and 'unity and integrity of the Nation' were added to our constitution by–
(A) 44th Amendment
(B) 38th Amendment
(C) 42nd Amendment
(D) 50th Amendment

20. The great Asian river Mekong does not run through–
(A) China
(B) Malaysia
(C) Cambodia
(D) Laos
21. Itaipu Dam built on the River Parana is one of the largest dams in the world.
Which of the following two countries have this as a joint project?
(A) Brazil and Peru
(B) Paraguay and Ecuador
(C) Brazil and Paraguay
(D) Colombia and Paraguay

22. On the recommendations of Kelkar Committee, no new RRB has been established since–
(A) April, 1987
(B) April, 1989
(C) April, 1990
(D) April, 1988

23. Where are the headquarters of SIDBI?
(A) Lucknow
(B) New Delhi
(C) Bengaluru
(D) Mumbai

24. Which of the following did not form a part of the donations made to the temples?
(A) Money
(B) Slaves
(C) Livestock
(D) Land

25. The Maratha Saint who exercised a profound influence on the minds of his countrymen and inspired them with ideals of social reform and national regeneration was–
(A) Eknath
(B) Tukaram
(C) Samarth Ramdas
(D)Vaman Pandit

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